CTO, Aurora Flight Sciences
Tom Clancy joined Aurora as one of its original staff members. He has a broad background and experience across all aspects of UAV engineering and technology. Early in his career, Tom was the group leader for avionics, heading the team responsible for flight control systems and original sizing of an electrical propulsion system for the Perseus high-altitude UAV, later becoming the group leader for propulsion, managing the development of the Arion I closed-cycle engine, and overseeing the maturation of the Arion IIB multi-stage turbocharged engine. As the Perseus aircraft progressed into integration, he served as Project Manager and Chief Engineer for the entire Perseus development program. He has also served as Chief Engineer and Flight Director on multiple UAV programs and operations. In 1997 he took responsibility for Aurora’s NASA ERAST programs as the VP for NASA ERAST. In 2000 he became the VP of Engineering, then the VP of Unmanned Aircraft System and now serves as the Chief Technology Officer. On the Orion Program, he served as the Program Manager during integration, test and the first flight test series. He is also a member of the Flight Readiness Review Board and the Test Director for all of the test flights. Tom earned his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The 2019 Personal Aircraft Design Academy (PADA) Trophy Honoring John Langford
Professor and Department Co-Chair, UC Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering; Associate Dean, Research