Professor, UC Berkeley, Dept of City and Regional Planning
Dan Chatman studies travel behavior and the built environment; residential and workplace location choice; "smart growth" and municipal fiscal decision making; and the connections between public transportation, immigration and the economic growth of cities. His research relies heavily on original data collection, including surveys, focus groups and interviews. Ongoing and recently completed research projects include studies addressing which U.S. transit systems succeed and why; the implications of immigration trends for sustainable development and economic growth; the relationship of transit investments to agglomeration economies in U.S. cities; the effect of dynamic parking pricing on occupancy and use of on-street parking in San Francisco; and the relationship between residential location, commuting, and happiness. Before joining UC Berkeley's Department of City and Regional Planning, Chatman was an assistant professor of urban planning and policy at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University and director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University. His previous experience includes work as a planner and consultant in the Bay Area, and three years with the Peace Corps in Botswana.
Urban Air Mobility in the Context of Travel Patterns and City Planning
Aircraft Designer, Emeritus Professor of Design, Oregon State University